Please review the material
In early to mid August,
Norman weather tends to be hot but not wet.
Highs typically are in the 90s and 100s,
lows in the 80s or 70s,
with little or no rain.
Expect to dress light enough for being outdoors a little
but in an air conditioned PC lab a lot.
The lab may be a little chilly, to keep the PCs happy.
You're welcome to bring a laptop with you,
but you won't need one for the workshop,
because Mon - Sat we'll be in a PC lab
with more PCs than attendees.
But, you may want your laptop with you
at the hotel, which has free wireless.
As you drive out of the OKC airport,
look for the on-ramp to I-44
on your right.
There's only one such on-ramp,
which is actually I-44 westbound.
After you've been on I-44 W for
a few miles,
you'll come to a fork between I-44 W
and I-44 E.
Stay on I-44 W on the right side.
You'll come to a major curve.
DON'T take the I-44 W exit;
stay on the same road,
which will become I-240 E
(go figure).
After several miles,
take the I-35 S exit
(toward Dallas).
Follow I-35 S out of Oklahoma City,
through Moore,
and into Norman.
From I-35 southbound, take the W Main St exit
eastbound toward downtown Norman
(I think it's exit #109).
Take Main St eastbound a few blocks.
At the traffic light at
N. Interstate Drive, turn left (northbound).
Note that it's called N. Interstate Drive on your left
but 26th Drive on your right.
The Guest Inn will be immediately on your right (east).
From the Guest Inn, go out
and turn left (eastbound) onto Main St
at the traffic light.
After a few blocks, you'll come to 24th Ave (traffic light).
Turn right (southbound) onto 24th Ave.
Take 24th Ave southbound,
roughly 1 1/2 miles,
crossing traffic lights at Boyd St and Lindsey St,
to OK Hwy 9 (traffic light).
At the traffic light,
turn left (eastbound) onto OK Hwy 9.
On OK Hwy 9,
you'll cross traffic lights at
and then you'll come to a traffic light at
Turn left (northbound) onto Jenkins Ave.
On your right hand side,
immediately after you turn onto Jenkins,
you'll see first the
Weather Center,
then David L. Boren Blvd.
Research & Technology Center,
the Sun Aug 8 evening
will be held,
is on Jenkins between
David L. Boren Blvd
and Columbus.
Turn right (eastbound) onto
David L. Boren Blvd.,
go past the National Weather Center
on your right,
then turn left (northbound)
into the Stephenson parking lot.
If you miss David L. Boren Blvd.,
then take
the next right (eastbound) onto Columbus,
and then turn right (southbound)
into the Stephenson parking lot.
Because parking isn't enforced on weekends,
you can park anywhere in the Stephenson parking lot.
Exit the Stephenson parking lot, turning right (westbound)
onto David L. Boren Blvd (by the National Weather Center).
Turn left (southbound) onto Jenkins.
Turn right (westbound) onto OK Hwy 9 (traffic light).
Take OK Hwy 9 back to I-35,
staying in the right hand lane
to enter I-35 N (toward Oklahoma City).
Go about 2 miles and
take the Robinson St exit (#110) eastbound,
turning left (eastbound) at the traffic signal
at the end of the off ramp (which is Robinson St).
Take Robinson St eastbound for about a mile to
N Berry Road (traffic light).
Turn left (northbound) onto Berry and
go a few blocks to a T-intersection at Westheimer Dr.
Turn right (eastbound) onto Westheimer
and go a few blocks to the intersection at Newton Dr.
The Merrick Computing Center will be on your left,
a one story orange brick building.
Park in the south lot, facing Robinson, if possible.
If you have to park in the north lot,
come around to the front entrance.
Exit the Merrick parking lot, turning right (westbound)
onto Westheimer Dr.
Turn left (southbound) onto Berry (first stop sign).
Turn right (westbound) onto Robinson (first traffic light).
Just past the Homeland grocery story at 24th Ave,
turn left (southbound) onto Interstate Dr
(BEFORE crossing I-35).
Follow Interstate Dr as it curves around,
past the Wal-Mart, and then the Guest Inn
will be on your left just before Main St (traffic light).
Driving Directions
from the
Guest Inn
Carson Engineering Center
202 W. Boyd St., Norman
Mon Aug 9 - Sat Aug 14 2010
From the Guest Inn, go out
and turn left (eastbound) onto Main St
at the traffic light.
After a few blocks, you'll come to 24th Ave (traffic light).
Turn right (southbound) onto 24th Ave.
Take 24th Ave southbound to Boyd St (traffic light)
and turn left (eastbound) onto Boyd.
You'll cross several traffic lights,
including Berry, Flood,
Chautauqua, Elm, University,
and then you'll come to a traffic
light at Asp Ave.
Carson is on your right, on the southeast corner
of Boyd & Asp.
Parking at the
Research & Technology Center
Sun Aug 8 2010
On weekends,
parking on campus
is open to the public
in lots with white signs with green lettering,
so everyone can park in the Stephenson lot at no charge
and without a visitor pass.
If you need a parking pass for the rest of the week,
you should pick it up Sunday evening at Stephenson.
Parking Options at
Carson Engineering Center
Mon Aug 9 - Sat Aug 14
Parking Lot (free with visitor pass, which we'll provide)
Cross the traffic light at Asp.
Cross the next traffic light
at Jenkins.
The next street on your right is Trout.
Turn right (southbound) onto Trout.
Go past the
Energy Center
parking lot
and take
the first right turn (westbound)
onto Page St.
Park in the first parking lot
on your left (south), across from Sarkeys.
Limited parking is available
in the various lots surrounding
We have a limited number of
visitor parking passes available.
Walking out of the parking lot,
go past Sarkeys and
cross Jenkins to follow
Felgar St toward the Union,
and at Asp Ave
just across from the Union and its parking deck,
turn right (northbound) toward Boyd St,
go past Felgar Hall
on your right (yellowish brick building),
and then Carson is
just past Felgar on your right,
on the corner of Asp and Boyd
(red brick and off-white concrete).
Parking Deck ($2 per hour -- not recommended)
Turn right (southbound) onto Asp
and park in the parking deck.
Walk out of the parking deck
toward Asp,
cross Asp,
and then Carson is on
the southeast corner of
Asp and Boyd.
Lodging for out-of-town workshop attendees
is at the Guest Inn,
at no charge to the attendees
(except as noted below).
You will need to provide the hotel with a credit card
for any incidental expenses you may incur
(for example, in-room movies, phone charges etc).
Accomodations are provided at double occupancy
in a NON-SMOKING room with two beds.
Check-in is Sun Aug 8 and check-out is Sat Aug 14.
If you would prefer single occupancy,
then you will
have to pay the difference in room cost.
Each room is $273 for the full week,
so the upcharge will be half of $273 (i.e., $136.50).
This also applies if you plan to room with
non-workshop guests (for example, family).
If you would prefer a smoking room,
please alert us IMMEDIATELY.
If we cannot find you a smoking roommate,
then you may have to pay the single occupancy upcharge.
If you would like to check in before Sun Aug 8
or check out after Sat Aug 14,
you will need to make separate arrangements with the
hotel by calling 405-360-1234.
Please note that the hotel may need to put you in
a different room for the extra night(s),
and that there is a remote possibility
that you may need to stay at a different hotel,
depending on availability.
The Guest Inn has wireless Internet access throughout,
but of course the workshop cannot guarantee the quality
of your signal.
The Guest Inn provides a daily breakfast in the commons area.
We encourage you to take advantage of it,
because workshop breakfasts may be somewhat sparse.
Meals are provided during the workshop,
at no charge to attendees, as follows:
Sun Aug 8: pizza party (includes vegetarian options)
Mon Aug 9, Tue Aug 10, Thu Aug 11, Fri Aug 12
8:00am: Breakfast (light)
10:00am: Snack break
12:00noon-1:30pm: Lunch
3:00pm: Snack break
5:00-7:00pm: Supper
(at the
Oklahoma Memorial Union,
diagonally across Asp Ave from Carson)
Wed Aug 11
8:00am: Breakfast (light)
10:00am: Snack break
12:00noon: Box Lunch (to go)
Afternoon and evening:
meals on your own, at your own expense
Sat Aug 14
8:00am: Breakfast (light)
10:00am: Snack break
Although we will try to accomodate special requests,
we cannot make guarantees.
We typically CAN provide a vegetarian option,
which typically will include dairy products.
We typically CANNOT provide for more specific needs
such as vegan, kosher, halal, gluten-free, etc.
Entrees typically are chicken, turkey or beef,
and typically a vegetarian option is provided,
but while we make a best effort to provide an
appropriate vegetarian option,
we CANNOT guarantee that the vegetarian option
will meet everyone's specific needs.
Sun Aug 8: doors open 6:30pm
Research & Technology Center except tour)
Mon Aug 9: doors open 8:00am
(Carson 205+206
except dinner)
8:30-10:00am: MPI review lecture
10:30am-12:00noon: MPI review lab
1:30-3:00pm: OpenMP review lecture
3:30-5:00pm: OpenMP review lab
7:00-9:00pm: Open lab
Tue Aug 10: doors open 8:00am
(Carson 205+206
except dinner)
8:30-10:00am: Hybrid MPI/OpenMP lecture
10:30am-12:00noon: Hybrid MPI/OpenMP lab
Debugging MPI, OpenMP, Hybrid MPI/OpenMP lecture
Debugging MPI, OpenMP, Hybrid MPI/OpenMP lab
7:00-9:00pm: Open lab
Wed Aug 11: doors open 8:00am
(Carson 205+206)
8:30-10:00am: Scientific and I/O Libraries lecture
10:30am-12:00noon: Scientific and I/O Libraries lab
Thu Aug 12: doors open 8:00am
(Carson 205+206
except dinner)
8:30-10:00am: CUDA lecture 1
10:30am-12:00noon: CUDA lab 1
1:30-3:00pm: CUDA lecture 2
3:30-5:00pm: CUDA lab 2
7:00-9:00pm: Open lab
Fri Aug 13: doors open 8:00am
(Carson 205+206
except dinner)
8:30-10:00am: Hybrid MPI/CUDA lecture
10:30am-12:00noon: Hybrid MPI/CUDA lab
1:30-3:00pm: Breakout mini-sessions and open lab
3:30-4:30pm: Breakout mini-sessions and open lab
4:30-5:00pm: Project presentations for early departers
Sat Aug 14: doors open 8:00am
(Carson 205+206)
8:30am-12:00noon: Project presentations
12:00noon: Adjourn
NCSI workshop attendees are required to devise, design
and execute a project during the week of the workshop,
and to give a brief presentation on it at the end of
the workshop (Saturday if possible).
Projects should be on a topic related to teaching
High Performance Computing and/or
Computational Science & Engineering,
whether at the attendee's institution or elsewhere,
and how this teaching will leverage the material covered
in this workshop.
Student attendees may wish to focus more on how they will
put what they've learned to use in their studies.
Presentations on an attendee's research are strongly discouraged.
Presentations should be 5 minutes long, including time
for one or two questions.
A small group of attendees may form a team
to work together on a project and its presentation.
A team presentation is limited to 5 minutes total
(NOT 5 minutes per team member).
Sun Aug 8
Terascale, Petascale, Exascale and Beyond
(Charlie Peck):
Storage Hierarchy Recap
(Andrew Fitz Gibbon):
Mon Aug 9
Learning Batch Computing on Sooner
(Henry Neeman):
MPI Cheat Sheet (Kay Wanous):
OpenMP (Andrew Fitz Gibbon):
Tue Aug 10
Taxonomy of Parallelism
(Charlie Peck):
Hybrid Model Parallel Programs
(Charlie Peck):
Debugging Parallel Programs
(Sam Leeman-Munk):
Lab: Debugging Parallel Programs
(Sam Leeman-Munk):
Wed Aug 11
Thu Aug 12
Fri Aug 13
Sat Aug 14
Attendee presentations won't be posted.