OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research
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Quick & Dirty Introduction to Compiling and Running on topdawg

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Table of Contents


I. Determine What Kind of Parallelism Your Program Uses, If Any

A. Determine Whether Your Program Uses MPI

If you aren't sure whether your program uses the Message Passing Interface (MPI), then it probably doesn't.

But, here's how you can find out for sure:

  1. Log in to topdawg.
  2. At the Unix prompt, change directory (cd) to the subdirectory where your source code lives.
  3. At the Unix prompt, type this command:
    grep "mpi.h" *.[cChH]*
  4. At the Unix prompt, type this command:
    grep -i "mpif.h" *.[fF]*
  5. At the Unix prompt, type this command:
    grep -i "use mpi" *.[fF]*

If, in response to any of these grep commands, you get anything back other than the Unix prompt (and especially anything that has the word "include" or the word "use" in it), then very probably your code uses MPI.

If not, then very probably your code doesn't use MPI.

If you're still unsure, contact us and we'll help.

B. Determine Whether Your Program Uses OpenMP

If you aren't sure whether your program uses the OpenMP, then it probably doesn't.

But, here's how you can find out for sure:

  1. Log in to topdawg.
  2. At the Unix prompt, change directory (cd) to the subdirectory where your source code lives.
  3. At the Unix prompt, type this command:
    grep "pragma" *.[cChH]* | grep "omp"
  4. At the Unix prompt, type this command:
    egrep -e '\!\$[oO][mM][pP]' *.[fF]*

If, in response to any of these grep commands, you get anything back other than the Unix prompt (and especially anything that has the word "include" or the word "parallel" in it), then very probably your code uses OpenMP.

If not, then very probably your code doesn't use OpenMP.

If you're still unsure, contact us and we'll help.

C. Determine Whether Your Program Uses POSIX Threads (pthreads)

If you aren't sure whether your program uses the POSIX Threads (pthreads), then it probably doesn't.

But, here's how you can find out for sure:

  1. Log in to topdawg.
  2. At the Unix prompt, change directory (cd) to the subdirectory where your source code lives.
  3. At the Unix prompt, type this command:
    grep -i "pthread" *.[cChHfF]*

If, in response to this grep command, you get anything back other than the Unix prompt (and especially anything that has the word "pthread" in it), then very probably your code uses POSIX threads (pthreads).

If not, then very probably your code doesn't use POSIX threads.

If you're still unsure, contact us and we'll help.

II. Compilers and Options

A. Compilers Available on topdawg

On topdawg, we support the following compilers:

  • Intel compiler family (all version 9.1):
    • ifort (formerly known as ifc) for Fortran 77/90/95
    • icc for C
    • icpc for C++
  • Portland Group compiler family (all version 6.1-6):
    • pgf90 for Fortran 90/95
    • pgf77 for Fortran 77
    • pghpf for High Performance Fortran
    • pgcc for C
    • pgCC for C++
  • GNU compiler family:
    • gfortran for Fortran 90/95 (version 4.1.1)
    • g77 for Fortran 77 (version 3.4.6)
    • gcc for C (version 3.4.6)
      gcc4 for C (version 4.1.1)
    • g++ for C++ (version 3.4.6)
      g++4 for C++ (version 4.1.1)
  • Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) compiler family:
    • f95 for Fortran 77/90/95 (version 5.1)
      Note that NAG f95 is a Fortran-to-C translator that then calls gcc (see above).

B. Recommended Compiler Performance Optimization Options

Each family of compilers has its own unique compiler options; you can find complete lists both in their man pages and in their manuals.

So, the following are merely the recommended options for reasonably vanilla source codes.

  • Intel compiler family (all version 9.1): -O -tpp7 -xP
  • Portland Group compiler family (all version 6.1-6): -fastsse
  • GNU compiler family: -O
  • Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) compiler family: -O

III. How to Compile

A. How to Compile a Non-Parallel Program

If you've determined that your program uses no parallelism — that it's a "serial" (non-parallel) program — then here's how to compile.

  • Choose the compiler that you want.
  • Try the recommended compiler options.
  • You're also welcome to try other compiler options, as described in the compiler manuals and man pages.

You may find it valuable to try compiling and running your code with each of the compiler families, and with various combinations of compiler options, to find the best combination for your code.

Please bear in mind that some codes can only be compiled by a subset of the compilers that are available on topdawg.

B. How to Compile an OpenMP Program

OpenMP is supported by the following compilers, using the associated compiler option:

  • GNU gfortran: -fopenmp
  • Intel icc, icpc, ifort: -openmp
  • PGI pgcc, pgCC, pgf77, pgf90, pghpf: -mp

C. How to Compile a POSIX Threads (pthreads) Program

POSIX threads (pthreads) are supported by all of the compilers installed on topdawg, using the associated compiler option.

To compile with pthreads, all you need to do is, in the final link step of compiling, append the following at the end of the link command:


D. How to Compile an MPI Program

1. Before Compiling an MPI Program

Before compiling an MPI program, you need to set some environment variables:

  • MPI_COMPILER (or MPIENV), which indicates the family of compilers that you're using (ENV is short for "environment");
  • MPI_INTERCONNECT (or MPIDEV), which indicates the kind of communication that you're using (DEV is short for "device").
  • MPI_VENDOR, which indicates a subcategory of communication that you're using; you only need to set this environment variable under one certain specific circumstance.

A quick discussion of how to set environment variables is below.

This environment variable indicates which compiler family to use.
OSCER supports multiple compiler families on topdawg (see above).
Possible values you can set MPI_COMPILER (or MPIENV) to are:

  • intel or intel9
    Either of these values indicates that you want to compile using the Intel family of compilers.
  • pgi
    This value indicates that you want to compile using the Portland Group family of compilers.
  • gnu or gcc
    Either of these values indicates that you want to compile using the GNU family of compilers.
  • nag
    This value indicates that you want to compile using the NAG compiler for Fortran 77/90/95 and the GNU family of compilers for C and C++.
    NOTE: The NAG family includes only a Fortran 90/95 compiler, which can also be used to compile Fortran 77 code, but for C and C++ the GNU compilers are used. (NAG f95 is a Fortran-to-C translator that invokes gcc, so these compilers should be fully compatible.)

This environment variable indicates how to send MPI messages between processors. Possible values you can set MPI_INTERCONNECT (or MPIDEV) to are:

  • ib
    This is the default, and in general you should use this unless you have a very good reason to do otherwise (for example, if Infiniband is incompatible with the compiler you're using, as shown in the compatibility matrix below. This means that MPI messages will be sent over the high performance Infiniband interconnect, using the native Infiniband software drivers, known as MVAPICH. This is the fastest way to communicate among multiple nodes.
    NOTE: A complete table of compiler/interconnect compatibilities is below.
  • p4
    This means that MPI messages will be sent using the slower TCP/IP software driver that is used for standard Ethernet (e.g., for sending data on the Internet). This is a substantially slower way to communicate among multiple nodes, and should be used only if you have a very good reason (such as needing the PGI or NAG compilers).
  • shmem
    This means that MPI messages should be sent inside RAM. This should only be used if your MPI executable is guaranteed to be run on no more than 2 processors, and always within a single individual node.

This environment variable indicates some more specifics how to send MPI messages between processors via Infiniband. The only possible value you can set MPI_VENDOR to is:

  • openmpi
    This means that MPI messages should be sent using OpenMPI, rather than MVAPICH.

If the MPI_VENDOR environment variable is not defined, but MPI_INTERCONNECT is set to ib, then MVAPICH will be used as the Infiniband communication mechanism.

2. Compiler/Interconnect Compatibility Matrix

ib/openmpi p4
(Gigabit Ethernet)
(inside a single node)
gcc X X X X
g++   X X X
g77 X X X X
gcc4 X X X X
g++4 X X X X
gfortran X X X X
icc X X X X
icpc X X X X
ifort X X X X
pgcc X X X X
pgCC X X X X
pgf77 X X X X
pgf90 X X X X
f95     X X

3. How to Set Environment Variables

How to set these environment variables depends on which shell program you are using. If you're not sure which shell program you're using (or if you're not sure what a "shell" program is), then type this at the Unix prompt and then press the "Enter" key:


The response will look something like this:

  PID TTY          TIME CMD
28826 pts/19   00:00:00 tcsh
30567 pts/19   00:00:00 ps

If your shell is tcsh, then to set the environment variables, type this at the Unix prompt:

setenv MPI_COMPILER intel

If your shell is bash or ksh or zsh, then to set the environment variables, type this at the Unix prompt:

export MPI_COMPILER=intel

If your shell is "sh", then to set the environment variables, type this at the Unix prompt:


4. How to Compile an MPI Program After You've Set the Environment Variables

After you've set the environment variables, compile using one of the following compile commands:

  • mpicc for C code
  • mpiCC for C++ code
  • mpif77 for Fortran 77 code
  • mpif90 for Fortran 90 code

For example, to compile an MPI code written in Fortran 90 using the Intel compiler family, the compile command might start with:

mpif90 -O -tpp7 -xP ...

WARNING! Be sure that every single compile command in your compilaton procedure, including the final compile command for linking the executable, uses the EXACT SAME COMPILER OPTIONS!



Except for very small, very brief non-MPI runs on 1 or 2 CPUs within a single node, ALL runs should be performed using the LSF batch queue system.

II. Run Using the LSF Batch System

To start, you'll want to get a copy of one of the following files:

  • ~hneeman/example_nonparallel.bsub
    Use this file to run any job that uses only 1 node, either because it uses a single CPU, or because it uses 2 threads (e.g., POSIX threads or OpenMP).
  • ~hneeman/example_sharedmem.bsub
    Use this file to run any job that uses 2 CPUs inside a single node, via either OpenMP or with POSIX threads (pthreads).
  • ~hneeman/example_mpi.bsub
    Use this file to run any job that uses multiple nodes with MPI over Infiniband, using 2 CPUs per node.
  • ~hneeman/example_mpi_ppn1.bsub
    Use this file to run any job that uses multiple nodes with MPI over Infiniband, using 1 CPU per node. You should avoid this one unless you have a really good reason to use 1 CPU per node.
  • ~hneeman/example_mpi_gige.bsub
    Use this file to run any job that uses multiple nodes with MPI over Gigabit Ethernet, using 2 CPUs per node.
  • ~hneeman/example_mpi_ppn1_gige.bsub
    Use this file to run any job that uses multiple nodes with MPI over Gigabit Ethernet, using 1 CPU per node. You should avoid this one unless you have a really good reason to use 1 CPU per node.

Once you've identified which file to use, do this:

cp  ~hneeman/example_nonparallel.bsub  whatever.bsub

where whatever.bsub is the name of the batch script file that you want to create; typically, you'll replace whatever with the name of your executable or the experiment or something.

You should be able to modify this file to suit your needs. It contains detailed information about how to set up and run a job.

You MUST use the absolute FULL PATH for your executable! DON'T use a relative path nor leave out the path!

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