OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research

Supercomputing Symposium 2003

Wednesday September 24 -
Thursday September 25 2003
at the University of Oklahoma

Dr. Jose G. Castanos
Research Staff Member
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Dr. Jose G. Castanos obtained his undergraduate degree in Operations Research at the Universidad Catolica Argentina, and his Sc.M. and Ph.D in Computer Science at Brown University. In 2000 he joined the Blue Gene team at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center to develop and analyze the initial molecular dynamics codes for this architecture. He has worked on a wide variety of systems software and performance analysis projects related to Blue Gene. He developed the multiprocessor simulation infrastructure, collaborated on compilers, kernels and libraries, provided a software development environment for Blue Gene, designed its control system, and studied applications and benchmarks on this architecture.

Talk Abstract
Blue Gene/L: Delivering Large Scale Parallelism

In this talk we present an overview of the hardware and software architecture of the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer, a jointly funded research partnership between IBM and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This massively parallel system of 65,536 nodes is based on a new architecture that exploits system-on-a-chip, low cost, embedded Power PC technology to deliver target peak processing power of 180/360 teraFLOPS (trillion floating-point operations per second). The target value of 360 teraFLOPS peak is appropriate for applications that can utilize both embedded PowerPC processors on a node. For applications that require significant messaging protocol overhead, one of these processors may be dedicated to this messaging and is not available for computations. For this later class of applications, the target peak performance is 180 teraFLOPS. The machine is scheduled to be operational in the 2004-2005 time frame (early prototypes are already available), at price/performance and power consumption/ performance targets unobtainable with conventional architectures. The large parallelism of this machine represents a new level of complexity

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Department of Information Technology